Sunday, May 02, 2004

Nice and sleazy does it

I see Tone managed to give a Peerage to businessman Paul Drayton who had donated £100,000 to the Labour Party in 2001. Not to be outdone the Tories showed they intend to maintain their sleazy tradition, Michael Howard nominated five new Peers, four of whom were major Tory Party donors. Irvine Laidlaw has coughed up about £1.5million to the Party, and Sir Stanley Kalms (the boss of Dixons - who two days earlier announced plans to close 106 shops and sack god knows how many workers) has given the Party £600,000. Lord Steinberg and Greville Howard make up the numbers, and they must have been lucky to be included because they had only bunged about £100,000 each. If people are allowed to buy a Peerage for this sort of paltrey amount it really will lower the standards in the House, don't you think?