Thursday, June 24, 2004

The Governor

"The Continental Op first hear Personville called Poisonville by Hickey Dewey. But since Dewey also called a shirt a shoit, he didn't think anything of it. Until he went there and his client, the only honest man in Poisonville, was murdered." The opening lines of Dashiell Hammet's first book, Red Harvest, written in 1929. The summer holidays are coming... and I'm stocking up on pulp crime fiction. But I bet no-one will drag me into a story better than Hammett with those fantastic opening words.

Southampton(H), Albion(A), Charlton (A), Newcastle(H). It looks like the lads will be top going in to September. (Somehow I feel these words may be taken down and used in evidence against me at a later date).