In my Ward in Sandwell we have a stunning piece of natural woodland that is in the process of being saved from years of decline by local people. Although the park is in Sandwell, it has been owned by Birmingham City Council for generations and naturally, with their priorities being in the City, the park stumbled into decline. Well, local people decided enough was enough, formed the
Warley Woods Community Trust, and have taken over the running of the land themselves. It hasn't been easy, but we are gradually seeing things turn around and one of the benefits to the Woods and the community has been the
Green Gym, and if you want to get fit without kitting yourself out in lycra or busting a gut in the gym,
it's a pretty good way to do it.
Not a post about global uncertainties I'm afraid, but one about local people doing something for their own community (even if they have had a grant from the bloody lottery).
Warley Woods