Wednesday, September 15, 2004

It's nothing to do with us...

When local authorities decide to sell off their council housing to 'not-for-profit social landlords' they always say they are doing it in the best interests of the tenants. Walsall MBC embarked on this particular route three years ago, giving staff and tenants a promise that jobs were safe with all the new funds the social landlord could attract, and tenants would have a major say in any developments because tenants would sit on the board of the companies. What they omitted to point out was that the financiers and accountants would control the board, and tenant board members would have to sign a pledge saying their first loyalty was to the company... not their fellow tenants. The trade unions warned it would end in tears, and within a year 100 staff had been made redundant, and now the tenants are finding out what sort of pig in a poke they have bought. The councillors, meanwhile, say..."we're powerless, don't blame us."