Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Letter in The Guardian

More social housing is the only answer

It is good to see that New Labour has at last recognised that there is a problem in the provision of housing, but it continues to stick rigidly to the private sector (Prescott plans to increase housing supply, May 23). In fact, they don't have an answer to the housing problems of the poorest, which were brought about by the destruction of the council house supply by Thatcher and which New Labour has continued with a fervour. They insist that all council housing be handed over to the private sector or the government will not give money for the refurbishment of them.
Shared accommodation and shared mortgages are not the answer - building more "social" housing for rent is.

Sid Hollands
Maidstone, Kent

I couldn't agree with you more Sid. All three main political parties over the last thirty years have used every ruse possible to get rid of council housing. Not just the high-rise nightmares that are being demolished, but also the solid, between-the-wars, bloody good housing which has either been flogged off or passed over to so-called non-profit making social housing companies. (They are non-profit making because the fat cat executives pay themselves vastly inflated salaries). Now, with expressioins of surprise, our leaders express dismay that housing shortage = rising property prices = housing crisis. God's teeth!