Thursday, May 13, 2004

They'll stone you when you're walkin' down the street...

Nearly two weeks into the election campaign, nearly 2,000 house visited between us, and, as John Cooper Clarke used to say, "tyres are knackered, knackers are tired". The campaign isn't as bad as I thought it would be. There's quite a bit of anti-war, anti-Blair feeling, but people seem to be making the distinction between what Labour in Sandwell is, rather than Labour in Government. All three seats are up in my Ward because of boundary changes, and the Liberals are putting up a single candidate to try to benefit from the anti-war vote, and I can't say I blame them. Hopefully though we've done a not bad job over the last few years and they'll come out on the day. I suspect the voters are lining up a shock for the Euro candidates as a way of sending a message to Blair. Will he listen? Don't suppose so, he hasn't done so far!