Wednesday, June 14, 2006
More than just a logo...
So, the Caring Wing of the Conservatives are searching for a new logo to try to put the Wicked Witch and her torch of freedom behind them, and reinvent or relauch the 'Dave' Party. Painful as it will seem to those still clinging to the Lady, the Party leadership have finally realised the depth of hatred felt for her and what she stood for by the general public, and more importantly, that section of the public that actually trouble to vote. Of course, this is Dave's latest step in the move towards consensus politics. In the same way Tony Blair was more than happy to wave goodbye to those on the left of the Labour Party, Dave will hold the door open for those rabid Tory backwoodsmen and Tebbitites who cling to outdated notions of low taxation and a free market economy outside of the European Union. You see... it's not just a logo, it's not just an image, it is about reinvention, and it's not new. The Conservative Party has survived by changing and adapting over centuries. Chameleon Dave is no different in that respect to Chameleon Disraeli over 150 years ago. When Kinnock introduced 'The Rose' logo 20 years ago our Labour Party branch refused to use it and continued to use the Red Flag symbol. We did that for about 15 years, and only reluctantly started using the rose when New Labour dropped it in favour of those ridiculous red boxes saying 'New Labour, New Britain'. Suddenly, the rose almost became a symbol of Not New Labour... and it was OK for us to use at last. I dread to think what they will have to do to the Party to get us to use those bloody red boxes.